My Self Discovery In Software Engineering

Daniyella Harmon
2 min readNov 2, 2020

Looking for a career change can be daunting. The very first time I thought about the idea, I was apprehensive but also very excited to see what my options were. So when the opportunity arrived, I was ready to jump in! Why software engineering you say? Since primary school, software had always peaked my interest. From the mere instances of Wade helping Kim possible with his cool tech, or even by accidentally clicking the wrong (or should I say right) buttons on my keyboard, leading me to the discovery of code. I always kept it in my line of sight and thought to myself, this is a career that I could pursue and eventually expound on. When my time came to learn about code in middle school, I was so excited. I jumped onto the train of Black Girls Code and built my own game with the help of my trusty instructors. Although it was the tip of the iceberg, it was a step in the right direction. After graduating school, I felt stuck in a job I knew could not be the end goal for me. I would ask myself why I didn’t go in the direction I originally planned, but it also scared me to think of making a career change. When I finally realized that I needed the change, I gathered up the courage to start searching for a new career. While searching, I found bootcamps like Flatiron School. I knew that full stack web development courses with 1 on 1 mentorship, and career services were hard to come by, so I naturally went with Flatiron. I have since gained much knowledge about the coding world and don’t plan to stop anytime soon. As I’m given the opportunity to learn everyday, I am reminded of why I chose this field and why I will keep pursuing it to reach my goals. I am forever eager to learn and ready to be part of something bigger in the tech world. I will work towards becoming the best software engineer I can be.

